Integrated GPS/INS Module

Move I


MoveSN is an integrated GNSS/INS solution that combines sleek design with outstanding performance. It features a suite of sensors, including MEMS gyroscopes and accelerometers, GNSS receiver, barometer, and magnetometer. By utilizing triaxial gyroscope and accelerometer, the module is capable of outputting position and attitude estimations, the accuracy of which can be improved by fusing in GNSS, barometer and magnetometer data.


Parameter Value
Gyro In-Run Bias 12 °/hr
Accel In-Run Bias 70 μg
Dynamic Heading 0.25 °
Gyroscope Range ±250 °/s
Accelerometer Range ±20 g
Dynamic Pitch/Roll 0.04 °
Output Rate 100 - 400 Hz
Power Consumption <800 mW
GNSS Receives up to 3 constellations concurrently


MoveSN is designed for applications that require highly accurate inertial navigation solutions with considerable size and weight limitations. Each module has undergone rigorous testing and evaluation and is proven to function reliably.

System Specifications


Parameter Value
Input voltage 6-30 V DC
Power consumption <800 mW


Parameter Value
Dimensions 50×40×14.5 mm
Weight 41 gram


Parameter Value
Interface RS232
Output Rate 100 – 400 Hz
Protocol Illucol®


Parameter Value
Full Range ±250 °/s
In-Run Bias Stability 12 °/hr
Angular Random Walk 0.50 °/√hr

Software Application

A companion desktop application is supplied for displaying and storing sensor data. Among its features are:

  • Storing and displaying module data
  • Monitoring module status
  • Setting and retrieving module’s configuration